It has been quite some time since I posted something to my blog. Not because there was nothing mych to post nor because the testing industry was clam and stagnant since I posted last...Infact, something new is happening to testing every lunar cycle or even earlier.
The worl has started hyping about cloud, not the ones that cover the moon but the one that connect too many computers in too complex a way that every one start loosing it it - as if they are covered by a dense colud. All was well till Garter came up and declared that the entire hue and cry about cloud computing is a myth that will burst in 2010! what a sadistic way to kill an emerging spirit...
Whether the myth of cloud computing will stand or wither away, the testing industry has caught on with its on new hype - CROWD TESTING. Who said the testers lack creativity! Many successfull crowd sourcing initiatives have already come up and is fast becoming more and more popular. Will this lead to a creation of a true gloal team built on collaboration and trust? I do not know. I did not even knew that that I was participating in a successful crowd sourcing experiment when I played Google Image labeller sometime (long) back!
Now I am in North Island, a small yet beautiful island in New Zealand where I see very few people around - leave alone testers... the terms croud sourcing and crowd testing excites me because I can easily visualize a lot of people sitting around me and testing... I am wrong again... There are beautiful and robust platforms coming up to support crowd testing. After seeing the UTest platform for crowd testing, I really have started wondering why it took so long for some one to think of building it... I think I need to learn to sit alone in a crowd and do testing...
I test. Therefore I am.